Using the Data Mover portal
The Data Mover portal is organized into three panes: the header, the menu and the main view.
The following image displays the three panes of the Lyve Data Mover console.
Header pane: Select the Lyve Cloud logo to return to the dashboard. The upper right corner of the header pane displays the user name, settings, full screen, and bell icon. A refresh icon and a drop-down arrow are visible, and the icon hides the left navigation pane.
Menu: The menu is organized in the following sections:
Workbench: Landing page displayed upon log in to the Data Mover portal. Displays the Data Mover instances and lists their status, including alerts and notifications.
Setup: Allows you to add a new Data Mover device. After the installation, you must provide information about the Data Mover Worker in different sections, such as Basic Information, Data Source, and Data Destination.
Cloud Storage: Displays the S3 cloud storage details such as access key, secret key bucket name, and endpoint. You can also edit the cloud storage details.
Mount Point: Displays the source mount point details (data to copy/move from local to the cloud) of the Data Mover worker node, such as Mount Point name, Total Space, Used Space, Available space and Usage Percentage.
Data Mover
Device: Displays on-premises device details, you can edit, start, stop, and restart the Data mover service.
Settings: This section allows you to change the data source, restore path, enable/disable the ACL restore option, and change the Sync mode of data mover.
Restore: This section allows you to create a restore task to restore backed update in Lyve Cloud based on the folder, number of days, date range, or all data.
Sync: This section allows you to create manual sync based on folder, day, date range, or all. It also lists the sync tasks once they are created. You can switch auto-sync or Manual sync from the Settings section.
Running Log: Displays logs generated by the system. (Different category)
User Management: This section allows you to manage Data Mover browser users. You can add or remove local and LDAP centralized users.
User: This section displays the list of available Data Mover portal users. It also allows you to create new local users and LDAP centralized users.
Change Password: This section allows you to change the logged-in user's password.
Audit Log: Displays all the user login activity to the Data Mover portal and browser logs of the user.
Data Mover: This displays the Data Mover's name and status. It also shows the IP address or the hostname of the Data Mover. The status can be Running or Stopped.
Notification: This section displays a series of critical issues related to Data Mover performance.
Alert: Displays the count of current critical issues.
Alert Message: Display critical issues with the corresponding error message.